List Of VFX Graph Parameters
Heat Wave:
VFX Graph:
- MASTER - These parameters serve as a final layer of adjustments, multiplying parameters by the corresponding value.
- Light Range - Range of the effect in World Units.
- Light Range Exp - Pow of the effect range, similar to light attenuation.
- Spawn Rate - Rate at which particles are being spawned.
- Gradient Ramp - These parameters control the colorization of the effect.
- Gradient Ramp Adjust - Multiply, Add, and Exp are used to control the gradient ramp mask. Imagine a 0 to 1 mask to generate a Ramp, you can add, multiply, or apply pow operators to it.
- Emission Color - Multiply the Ramp by Color.
- Emission Intensity - Controls the emission intensity of each element separately.
- Sparks 01 Initial Expand - Initial position expand of sparks when they are spawned.
- Sparks 01 Velocity and Velocity Offset - Controls the velocity of sparks.
- Sparks 01 Color From Ramp - Select a color for sparks from the gradient ramp, 0 to 1 range.
- Sparks 01 Noise - Controls the Noise used to add randomness to a particle’s spawn, lifetime, and size. By increasing the Exp parameters, you can create a more “streamy” look, and vice versa.
- Sparks 01 Turbilence - Controls the Turbilence of Sparks.
- Sparks Light Range Exp Adjust Multiply - Control the Light Range Exp separately for the sparks. If you want the sparks to be at a more constant emission, use low Exp parameters for this.
- Smoke Noise - Control the noise parameters of smoke particles’s texture.
- Smoke Dissolve Edge Exp - Higher values make the smoke dissolve more directional, similar to a gradient mask applied to a texture. Lower values make the dissolve more uniformly.
- Heat Edge Noise - Control the noise of Edge flame-like particles.
- Flames Ramp Affected By OaD - When being dissolved, controls how much the dissolve will affect the gradient ramp.
- Flames Long Mask Exp - Exp of a linear mask applied to flame particle sprites.
- Depth Slope Step Size - Parameters for Sobel-based edge detection in UV Space. Controls the thickness of edges, but higher values may produce unwanted artifacts.
- Depth Hard Down Edge Distance - Minimal Distance at which edge will be marked and particles will be spawned from it.
- Edge Heat Move To Camera - Move the Edge Heat Fill particles closer to the Camera, to remove some visual artifacts.
- Dissolve Flame Enabled - Enabled the Dissolve for the flames, providing a slightly different visual style.
- Dissolve Flame Long Enabled - Enabled the Dissolve for the flames, providing a slightly different visual style.
- Soft Particles Distance Adjust Multiply - Adjust the soft particles distance. If you notice that the particles are too soft when near opaque objects, try decreasing this setting.
Creative Light Script Component:
- Resolution - The Resolution of Depth Texture, use 512 for Heat Wave effects and any for Holo effects.
- Projection - Projection mode of the Camera.
- Orthographic Size - If using an Orthographic Camera, control its size.
- Auto Scale Orthographic Size - Scale the Orthographic Size parameter, based on the Lossy scale of the VFX.
- Field Of View - Controls the FoW parameter of the Perspective Camera.
- Is Hologram - Check if using any of Holo effects.
- Dummy Cam - Camera used for fake Depth Rendering.
- Effect - VFX Graph of the prefab.
- Material - Fake Depth material.
- Update Custom Pass Materials - Property only available in HDRP. When updating the renderers during gameplay, you need to update them in CustomPass too, it can be done by checking this bool, or by calling the “UpdateCustomPassParameters()” function.
VFX Graph:
- MASTER - These parameters serve as a final layer of adjustments, multiplying parameters by the corresponding value.
- Sequential Or Random Circle - Switch between a scan-like effect or random spawn. This parameter is available only for Scan Holo VFX.
- Glitch Enabled - Enabled the subtle glitch-like effect.
- Shape Circular - Makes the shape of the effect circular, resembling a spotlight.
- Shape Circular SS - Parameters used for SmoothStep function.
- Dots Mask - Mask used for holo dots.
- Clend Clamp Min - Minimum Blend parameter, this will control the general speed of blending position of particles when moving the entire VFX.
- Slope Length Multiply - Multiply the slope length for each part of the VFX. This will control the Edge Detection style.
- Light Range - Range of the effect in World Units.
- Light Range Exp - Pow of the effect range, similar to light attenuation.
- Opacity Slope Clamp Min and Max - Min and Max parameters for Clamp function. This will alter the look of the Edge Detection part of VFX.
- Spawn Rate - Rate at which particles are being spawned.
- Gradient Ramp Dots - These parameters control the colorization of the effect.
- Gradient Ramp Dots Adjust - Multiply, Add, and Exp are used to control the gradient ramp mask. Imagine a 0 to 1 mask to generate a Ramp, you can add, multiply, or apply pow operators to it.
- Gradient Ramp Dots Position - Select a color for dots from the gradient ramp, 0 to 1 range.
- Gradient Ramp Dots Use Slope - Use slope from the Depth Map to colorize the dots.
- Gradient Ramp Dots Slope Clamp Min and Max - Clamp the slope by these parameters.
- Emission Color - Multiply the Ramp by Color.
- Emission Intensity - Controls the emission intensity of each element separately.
- Scale Multiply - Control the scale of VFX elements.
- Depth Slope Step Size - Parameters for Sobel-based edge detection in UV Space. Controls the thickness of edges, but higher values may produce unwanted artifacts.
- Depth Slope Use Denominator - Used an exact pixel distance for slope and edge detection.
- Depth Hard Down Edge Enabled - Mask the edges that are “in the shadow”.
- Depth Hard Down Edge Distance - Minimal Distance at which edge will be marked and particles will be spawned from it.
- Voxelize Position - Set of parameters to discretize the position of dots particles.
- Discretize UV - Set of parameters to discretize the position of dots particles in UV space.
- Cage Light Range Mode - Mode in which cage rays will be multiplied by the color of dots using slope.
- Cage Affected By Opacity Slope - Cage rays now will pick a color from the gradient ramp based on slope.
- Soft Particles Distance Adjust Multiply - Adjust the soft particles distance. If you notice that the particles are too soft when near opaque objects, try decreasing this setting.
Creative Light Script Component:
- Resolution - The Resolution of Depth Texture, use 512 for Heat Wave effects and any for Holo effects.
- Projection - Projection mode of the Camera.
- Orthographic Size - If using an Orthographic Camera, control its size.
- Auto Scale Orthographic Size - Scale the Orthographic Size parameter, based on the Lossy scale of the VFX.
- Field Of View - Controls the FoW parameter of the Perspective Camera.
- Is Hologram - Check if using any of Holo effects.
- Dummy Cam - Camera used for fake Depth Rendering.
- Effect - VFX Graph of the prefab.
- Material - Fake Depth material.
- Update Custom Pass Materials - Property only available in HDRP. When updating the renderers during gameplay, you need to update them in CustomPass too, it can be done by checking this bool, or by calling the “UpdateCustomPassParameters()” function.